
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

What Is Your Integrity Credit Rating?

The Average person is unreliable.
How many of your friends and family simply cannot be depended on? They say they are going to do something but x,y, and z always seems to come up at the last minute. You've stopped even expecting things from them to avoid the disappointment when they ultimately let you down.
Are you that person who continues to make commitments you never keep?
Are your relationships as healthy as your body?
When it comes to our organs we tend to call it like it is but won't do the same for the people in our lives.
When I was younger my great grandma used to say she couldn't "trust her eyes no more" because she couldn't as well as she used to.
People on dialysis tend to say that their kidneys are "failing them".
Whether you realize it, believe it, understand it or not, your value in the world is measured by your integrity and dependability. Your ability to do what you said you would.
AAA Credit Rating
Your credit rating impacts what type of car you are able to buy, what kind of home you live in even whether or not you can heat that home.
Some will argue against this point till you're blue in the face but this is a fact not an opinion.
The American dollar is the most reliable currency in the world - that's what makes us a superpower. That means the US can practically do whatever they want to whenever they want.

You are constantly building credit by what you say and what you do. The question is: are you building good credit or bad?
You are known by what you do not what you say you do.
James Avery will forever be known as the actor who played Uncle Phil. OJ Simpson will always be referred to as the ex football player who got away with murder. But this principle doesn't just apply to the famous and infamous. The people in your life are also assigned roles and values according to what they do and how reliable they are at that task.
There is a person who can always make you laugh and there is a person who always makes you mad. There is a person who always inspires you and there is a person who always let’s you down.
If you want to find out who the most valuable person in  your life is fill in the blank:
“________ is the person I can always count on when I most need it.”
Then ask yourself are you that person for anyone in your life?
What are you known for?
Can you be described as dependable? Do you have more good intentions and excuses than follow through and results?  Are known for being late or on time everywhere you go? Is the only credit you get is for “trying”? Your answers to these questions will tell you exactly the value you have in the lives of the people around you, from your family to your co-workers.
If the answer is something you're not proud of - there is good news. You can always become more valuable simply by deciding to be.
You are not responsible for how people react to the truth.
It is perfectly okay to not make commitments that you have no intentions to keep. It’s alright to say no to requests that require more from you physically, emotionally or financially than you’re willing to put forth. 
But it is not okay to mislead people, even if it’s in the name of “trying” to not hurt someone’s feelings. First of all:  You are only responsible for what you say and your emotions if you speak from a place of honesty. If a person cannot handle your sincerity or doesn't respect you for sharing it then the relationship you hold with that person is already in jeopardy and may be toxic to begin with.
Secondly, you cannot control a person’s feeling with a lie, no matter how well intentioned. Because once you fail to live up to your commitment you have inevitably disappointed that person with your selfishness and betrayal of their trust.
Make no commitment you won’t keep.
Say what you mean and mean what you say, even if it’s something the other person doesn’t want to hear. Ultimately, they will have to accept it and respect you for being a person of integrity.

Be #BTA on purpose.

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