
Friday, January 3, 2014

My Granddad Was Better Than Average

If you like me, you'd love my granddad. He's was a one of a kind type of guy and molded my life in more ways than I can l describe.
He was kind, generous, hardworking and most of all - he was righteous.
If you needed something, whether you were a relative or stranger, he would provide it. If you wanted something and he could procure it, it was yours.
He worked two jobs most of the lifetime that I knew him but he also played hard. He was the best friend to probably dozens of people in Denver because he was friendly.
He was on a first name basis with the guy who pumped his gas and the lady who bussed the tables at Furr's cafeteria.
He drove taxi for many years as a second job and was known to give destitute people a free ride to job interviews and to school.
He drove me to my first job interview. He even helped me start my first business. When I was probably 12 or 13 years old he drove me and a friend of mine around to his friends to cut their lawns. He paid for the gas, he provided the lawn mower and the clientele, and he probably even paid us for a few of the houses himself.
He did it to keep us out of trouble and off the streets.
Unfortunately I still managed to find my way into prison during my early 20s.
He would make the 3 hour drive (one way) down I-25 to visit me when no one else would. He showed me what sacrifice and  unconditional love was.
The last time he made that drive I was unable to see him due to some mix up in the prison's administration office. He drove all that way, by himself, only to be turned away.
I was beyond pissed off.
A few months later I went before the parole board. A few hours later they granted my freedom.
As soon as I got the official word I rushed to the phone to share the good news.
It would now only be a month or so before I was on the other side of the razor wire fence and able to spend time with my grandad and repay him for never giving up on me. 
The things he wanted were simple; Cut his hair. Go to his favorite restaurant with him. Watch the Broncos game with him till he dozed off.

But he had already fallen asleep for his final nap. They told me he passed away approximately around the time I was waiting to see the parole board.
I like to tell myself he knew that I was going to be okay and he knew he could rest in peace.

I was never able to repay him for his years and years of dedication to and his belief in me and I feel bad about that.
But I know if I follow his lead and work to be the type of person he was then I will be making a difference in someone else's life.
He's the inspiration behind the changes that I've made in my life so when you hear me say "be better than average", what I'm really saying is be like Chet Garland, my granddad.

Happy birthday! January 3

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