
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

You Sir, Are No Picasso - baby.

“We all know that Art is not truth. Art is a lie that makes us realize truth, at least the truth that is given us to understand. The artist must know the manner whereby to convince others of the truthfulness of his lies”
- Pablo Picasso

I just watched the so-called "performance art"#PicassoBaby and I've come to the conclusion that in our media dominated/ celebrity obsessed society the bar has been set way too low for what is considered creative.

I'm not hating on the fact that the man is the new Pied Piper and is leading those willing to blindly follow. I am however sorely disappointed in the degeneration of standards to which we used to hold our artists.

Michael Jackson's #Thriller was groundbreaking. 

#RememberTheTime was spectacular.

Picasso Baby is simply another music video.
If there is anything more to be read into it - it is Jay-Z giving his delusional fans who will not only accept but actually buy everything he does for no other reason than he is who he is, a metaphorical pornographic facial.

Picasso Baby is superficially an imitation of what millions of aspiring MCs have done for years in
lunchrooms, schoolyards, street corners and anywhere where they could perform their art.
But aside from the appearance of an intimate freestyle session, the closest that 10 minute video comes to being "art" is that it is an avant-garde exercise in name dropping and celebrity ego stroking.

Again, you can hate me for saying it, but love what I say.

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