
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

What's the difference between farmer and a drug dealer? Not much.

Did you catch this on Super Bowl Sunday?

The most upsetting thing that aired during the Super Bowl might not have been my favorite team getting blown out but rather this Super Bowl ad for the chemical company #Monsanto. 

The commercial disguised as a celebration of America's farmers but is really trying to make you comfortable with the genetic alterations and chemical enhancements to your food.
The ad states "You don't even think twice about where your food comes from." as if that's a good thing.

It also glorifies the fact that "this year, just one American farmer can feed 155 people." whereas in 54 years ago a farmer's crops only fed 26 people.

That's an increase of over 150%!

Please ask yourselves "How is this possible?"

Any drug dealer can give you the answer. If you want to increase your yield - you increase your cut. Add chemicals. As much as possible without totally obliterating your product.

I'll admit, the commercial is heart warming and patriotic. I probably wouldn't have thought twice until I noticed the Monsanto logo tagged on at the end next to the title card.
I dare you to Google "What is Monsanto?"

If what I'm saying doesn't scare you or you're not at least intrigued, I'll bet the search results will.

I've added a screenshot for your convenience. It's unadulterated. Untouched.

Unlike the food they're selling you.

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