
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Here's What They Think About You: "put them where they belong - 6 feet under"

In the wake of Trevon Martin and the recent shooting of Officer Hollis young Black men may be in jeopardy like never before. is website for police officers around the country. They reported the shooting of Officer Hollis and the possibility that the suspect is a gang member.

The following is a part of a comment from a fellow law enforcement
officer: "put them where they belong - 6 feet under."

Another murderer claims gang affiliation, yet no one really does anything about the gangs. When a gangbanger murders a police officer, they've declared war. Isn't it time we fought back? Isn't it time that prosecutors, juries, and judges joined the fray? Don't waste jail space on these turds. Give them the trial they're guaranteed by our Constitution, when they're convicted limit their appeals to no more than one, when the appeals are rejected, put them where they belong - 6 feet under.

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