
Friday, July 20, 2012

Shit just got real.

I was going to write up a glowing review of Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight Rises, a movie so good I actually screened it twice earlier this week.

I told a friend who was "hyped" about seeing the movie at midnight Thursday, that he wouldn't be disappointed.

In my rough draft I mentioned that the IMAX version was larger than life.

In my notes I mentioned that in this highly intense PG-13 film most of the violence occurs off-screen.

I also wondered if the parallels in the plot to the real world conflict of the 99% versus the elite 1% were intentional.

But to paraphrase comedian Kevin Hart; shit just got real.

I woke up this morning to the shocking news that at a movie theater 2.6 miles away from my house a gunman opened fire in a midnight showing of TDKR.

As of this writing, 12 people have been killed and approximately 50 people have been injured including a 3 month old baby. The injuries range from gunshot wounds to exposure to some type of chemical agent.

Witnesses say the gunman entered in the theater through a fire exit dressed in what has been described as riot gear including a bulletproof vest. He then released one or two canisters of teargas before opening fire on the unsuspecting audience.

Reportedly the killer began the slaughter just minutes into the film which added to the confusion. Many people thought the man standing in the front of the screen with guns and teargas was affiliated with the movie whose main protagonist is a ruthless mercenary/terrorist named Bane.

But sadly no, the heartless madman causing the terror inside theater 9 was all too real.

Although having not attended even
I feel a twinge of anxiety knowing that, more than most, that easily could've been me and my family. As I write this a father has just confirmed his 6 year old daughter is among the dead.

So, now I submit this as my review of the The Dark Knight Rises - a movie about a hero who rises up against the crime and evil taking over his beloved city.

Yes, it's a really, really good movie - the best of the summer if not the year but in comparison to the chaos that marred it's premiere:

It's not larger than life.

And ironically and sadly, most of the violence did take place offscreen.

Movies are supposed to be a temporary mental escape from reality but as they say; some things are truly stranger than fiction.

No matter how intense the plot - nothing can measure up to or parallel the senselessness and madness that is taking place in my backyard right now.

Reality is, our world doesn't have a Dark Knight to fight the evil that plagues our world.

Thankfully, this morning my friend let me know he was physically unharmed although he is a bit shaken up.

So many people will be affected and touched by this "act of depravity" as Gov. John Hickenlooper described it. If you are able to do so; be there for those folks. Even if it's just lending an ear to listen or a shoulder to cry on.

We all need to strive to be better than average.

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1 comment:

  1. Batman has one rule, No guns. It truly saddens me that someone showes us why he feels this way.
