
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Are You A Jive Turkey, A Common Pigeon Or A Soaring Eagle? Check the Chickenheads Surrounding You.

Almost everyone has that one friend that you keep around to inflate their own self confidence. You know, the one who's less good looking, dumber or "inferior" to you in some fashion.
It may not be a conscious choice to judge or collect these people in our lives, it just happens sometimes usually because it's easy and comfortable.
Remember this though; "Birds of a feather flock together" and "It is difficult to soar with eagles when you choose to live among turkeys."

Even the smartest penguin looks just like the rest of the herd. In short, you are the company that you keep.
Millionaires hang with other millionaires and gang members hang with...

So if you're actively attempting to improve your life, at some point you either must change those who you associate with or also be willing to assist those people who you choose as your traveling companions, down the difficult road of change.

Keep in mind, not everyone is going to be ready for the journey or even want to go, and it's very difficult to move forward if you're dragging unnecessary weight and/or baggage.

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